persönliche Informationen | Vorname: Paola | zweiter Vorname:
| Nachname: Prodan | Erstellungsdatum: 11/27/2008 | E-Mail Adresse: Sie müssen zur Ansicht eingeloggt sein! | Website: | Geschlecht: weiblich | Stadt: Bernal | Land: Buenos Aires | Land: Argentina | Postleitzahl: 1876 | Profil:
I am a Sworn English Translator graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina. I focus on translations from English (US/UK) into Latin American Spanish, which is my mother tongue.
I’ve been working as a translator for ten years delivering high-quality translations, mainly specializing in the following subjects:
Law Banking Finance Business Personal Documents General

Profil teilen |  | |
Lebenslauf | Erstellungsdatum: 11/27/2008 | Aktualisierungsdatum: 11/27/2008 | Text:
Mrs. Paola Valeria Prodan Lavalle 813 (1876) Bernal Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel/Fax: +54 11 4251 4845 Cellular: +54 11 15 5152 6115 (main email address)/ Web Page:
- Member of Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CTPCBA) - (Translators’ Association of the City of Buenos Aires)
- Certified English Translator (graduated in 1997) University: University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
- Course on Normative of the Spanish Language given by CTPCBA.
- Course on SDLX given by CTPCBA.
- Postgraduate English Conversation Course for Translators given by Instituto Argentino de Cultura Inglesa de Quilmes (Argentine Institute of English Culture of Quilmes)
- Translation of HTML files given by CTPCBA.
- Postgraduate English Conversation Course for Translators given by Instituto Argentino de Cultura Inglesa de Quilmes (Argentine Institute of English Culture of Quilmes)
- Postgraduate Course on English Phonetics and Diction given by McDonough Institute.
- Course on Translation of Web Pages given by CTPCBA.
- Course on Trados given by CTPCBA.
- Course on Translation of Macroeconomic Documents given by CTPCBA.
- Course on Capital Markets focused on translation given by Dr. Ricardo Chiesa (Translator and Lawyer, former professor of course Translation IV at UBA)
- Course on Translation of Juridical Terms given by Dr. Ricardo Chiesa (Translator and Lawyer, former professor of course Translation IV at UBA)
- English Professor graduated from Cultural Chesterton Institute – Quilmes
- (October 1998 – present) Paola Prodan Translation Services. Legal documents: powers of attorney, complaints, answers to complaints, contracts, bylaws, minutes, etc., for renowned law firms located in Argentina; Business, banking, and financial translations: documents related to the privatization of banks, letters of credit, bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank guarantees, for reputable banks located in Argentina, translation of banking brochures and software for translation agencies located in the United Kingdom; Personal documents: birth/death/marriage certificates, educational certificates, etc. for a translation agency located in USA; Cosmetology Manual, Business E-Learning Courses for a translation agency located in Spain.
- (April 1994 – October 1998) Foreign Trade Chief at Simmons de Argentina S.A.I.C. (mattress manufacturers) – translations related to the mattress industry and import/ export documents.
> COMPUTER SKILLS AND SOFTWARE: Trados 5.5. Freelance (Workbench and TagEditor)/ Windows XP/Office XP (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage)/Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0/WinZip 8.1.
> EQUIPMENT: Computer: PC/ 120 Giga Hard Disk/ 2 Giga RAM. CD Driver and Recorder. Screen: ViewSonic UltraBrite 17” Internet: Broadband connection Printer: Epson Stylus Color 880 Scanner: Cannon CanoSCan N640P Fax: Panasonic KX-FT68
Existierende Fachgebiete | Business | Law | Other |
Art | Sprachen | Quell | English | Ziel | Spanish |
Artikel | Sprache | Kategorie | Statistiken | Anrede | Dieses Mitglied hat noch keine genehmigten Artikel eingereicht. |
Glossar | Sprachen | Betreff | Statistiken | Beschreibung | Dieses Mitglied hat noch keine genehmigten Glossar eingereicht. |