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TranslatorPub Referral Program - FREE MEMBERSHIP
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Dear Community Members,

While it has been available for some time, we wanted to make sure all members are aware of an easy way to get Free Membership on the website!

TranslatorPub.Com has a referral program that allows you to get free membership time when your friends sign up! And, more importantly, every time they renew their membership, you KEEP GETTING THE REWARD! This means that with a small network of language professionals, you could have permanent, FREE, membership to the Pub. We even have a message pre-loaded for you - to use it, once logged in, on the right-hand side you'll see "Pub Rewards" and "Agency Rewards". By clicking these links you'll be able to send out and track the rewards you've earned in our system!

Please let us know if you have any questions or other concerns! And as always, we're listening at: info@translatorpub.com

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