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Titulo de articulo: Fund information
Fecha de creacion: 04/02/2012
Ultima actualizacion: 04/02/2012
Idioma: Chinese (Traditional)
Categoria: Translation
Rango de TranslatorPub.Com: 175
Vistas: 3485
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Manulife Advanced Fund SPC Important Information: • Manulife Advanced Fund SPC is an umbrella fund currently comprising two sub-funds (“Fund(s)”), both of which, invest directly in Mainland China through a holder of the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (“QFII”) status with an approved foreign exchange quota to remit United States Dollars (“USD”) to Mainland China and convert them into Renminbi (“RMB”) for investing in Chinese securities. The Funds are not denominated in RMB. All subscriptions and redemptions are in Hong Kong Dollars (“HKD”) or other Major Currencies. The Funds are therefore subject to higher costs and multi-currency conversion risk. • The China A Segregated Portfolio uses a USD QFII quota under the name of the QFII holder for the account of the Fund to primarily invest directly in RMB-denominated China A-shares. • RMB is not freely convertible and is subject to exchange controls and restrictions. There is no guarantee that RMB will not depreciate. • The Renminbi Bond Segregated Portfolio (this bond fund is denominated in USD only and not in RMB) uses a USD QFII quota under the name of the QFII holder for the account of the Fund to primarily invest directly in RMB-denominated debt instruments. This Fund may invest in non-investment grade securities. Investments in non-investment grade securities assume greater risks because of generally reduced credit worthiness and liquidity, greater fluctuation in value and chance of default than investment grade securities. • Various requirements and restrictions under the laws and regulations of Mainland China relating to QFII investments (including restrictions on repatriation of capital due to the imposition of a Lock-up Period) will restrict the ability of the Funds to invest freely in Mainland China and may expose them to higher volatility and liquidity risk. Investors, who may have short-term cashflow needs during the Lock-up Period, should not invest in the Funds. • If the net amount to be repatriated by the QFII holder exceeds USD50 million, prior approval from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange is required. In this case, payment of the redemption proceeds may be delayed. • Investments in Mainland China may be less liquid or more volatile than investments in established markets. • The uncertainty and change of the laws of Mainland China and regulations and QFII policies and rules may adversely impact the Funds with potential retrospective effect. Capital gains tax in Mainland China may be imposed and disadvantage an investor if the Funds’ provisions for tax are inadequate to meet final tax liabilities. • The Funds offer only monthly dealing in normal market circumstances. • In the worst case scenario, the Funds may suffer losses potentially equal to all their investments in Mainland China domestic securities. An investor redeeming shares in the China A Segregated Portfolio may still be subject to the performance fee, even though he/she has suffered a loss in investment capital. • Investors should not make investment decisions based on this material alone. For details, please refer to the relevant prospectus and product key facts statements. 宏利盈進基金系列重要提示: • 宏利盈進基金SPC(獨立資產組合公司)(Manulife Advanced Fund SPC)是一項傘子基金,現時由兩個子基金 (「基金」)組成,並透過持有合格境外機構投資者(「QFII」)資格的機構,以其獲准的外匯額度將美元匯入中國內地 兌換成為人民幣投資於中國內地的證券。基金並非以人民幣計價,所有認購及贖回均以港元或其他主要貨幣進 行,基金因此成本較高及牽涉多種貨幣兌換的風險。 • 中國A股獨立資產組合主要透過QFII持有人為基金賬戶在其名下持有的以美元計算的QFII額度直接投資以人民幣 計價的A股。 • 人民幣不能自由兌換並受到外匯管制和限制。沒有保證人民幣不貶值。 • 人民幣債券獨立資產組合(本基金僅以美元計價,而不是以人民幣計價)主要透過QFII持有人為中國基金賬戶在其 名下持有的以美元計算的QFII的額度直接投資以人民幣計價的債務票據。這基金可能投資於非投資級的證券。投 資於非投資級的證券,因為信用及變現能力一般較低,價值波動會較大,和違約的機率較大,風險相比投資級的 證券為高。 • 中國內地關於QFII投資的法規有各