Titulo de articulo: two samples | Fecha de creacion: 01/13/2009 | Ultima actualizacion: 01/13/2009 | Idioma: English | Categoria: Translation | Rango de TranslatorPub.Com: 70 | Vistas: 3732 | Comentarios: 0 | Valoracion: 0, Puntaje promedio: 0 (10 Max)
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ORIGINAL: CASCADE in Europe and Africa
CASCADE is working on exciting IPTV projects in Eastern Europe and North Africa, as part of a successful collaboration with China’s Huawei telecoms equipment vendor. The strength of the partnership lies in CASCADE’s leadership in IPTV technology and Huawei’s worldwide sales network, while the challenge is to manage several projects running in parallel in different parts of the world.
In the Serbian capital of Belgrade, CASCADE is providing IPTV middleware for an ISP using MPEG2 technology to deliver video services to 5,000 users, possibly to be followed by a video-on-demand capability. A similar project is under way in the Ukraine in the Confederation of Independent States (former Soviet Union) to provide IPTV services to some 10,000 subscribers.
Meanwhile in Morocco, CASCADE is involved in what is believed to be Africa’s first IPTV rollout in a project to provide video services to 50,000 subscribers, using a solution based on MPEG4 H.264 technology.
TRANSLATION: 萃鋒在歐非兩地大展拳腳
在塞爾維亞首都貝爾格箂德,萃鋒為當地一個互聯網服務供應商提供IPTV中介件,該供應商利用MPEG2技術向5,000名用戶傳送廣播電視服務,日後可能還會提供視像點播功能。另一同類項目是在烏克蘭進行,為約10,000名用戶提供IPTV服務。烏克蘭是獨立國家聯合體(蘇聯解體時成立)的成員。 至於北非,萃鋒在摩洛哥採用最新的MPEG4和H.264影像壓縮技術,向50,000名用戶提供視像服務,相信這是首項在非洲推出的IPTV服務。 ORIGINAL: 電訊管理局政策混亂(蘋果日報)
監管的理據很簡單,官員們認為,由於新加盟的固網商必須租用既有固網商的網絡提供服務。假若既有固網商把過路費定得過高,競爭便會被扼殺。故為防範既有固網商這種反競爭行為,政府便有需要強行迫令既有固網商向新加盟者開放網絡。在香港這政策叫第二類互連。 第二類互連政策實施多年,固網電訊企業也由一家變為數家。既然固網市場的競爭局面業已形成,電管局也許應該全面撤銷第二類互連政策了吧。這只是一廂情願的想法。
TRANSLATION: Confusing policy of OFTA (Apple Daily)
Conventional fixed-line telephone services must make use of a fixed-line network for transmission. Therefore, whoever first installed and owned a fixed network will be regarded as having the potential to dominate the market. The government has to impose regulation.
The justification for regulation is rather simple. Officials believe that fixed network operators entering the market must rent the existing network of an incumbent operator to provide services. If the incumbent sets the leasing fee too high, it will kill competition. In order to prevent existing fixed network operators from taking such an anti-competition behaviour, the government has to force existing operators to open their networks to new entrants. In Hong Kong, such a policy is known as Type II interconnection.
The Type II interconnection policy has been in operation for a number of years. Instead of having only one fixed telecommunications network operator, the market now has several operators. As competition already exists in the market, perhaps the Office of the Telecommunications Authority should fully withdraw its policy for Type II interconnection. But this is just wishful thinking.