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I worked for 30 years as an independent consultant in Germany as well as in the US and in both languages. I worked in a wide variety of fields from training / behavioral management to chip production. I translated training courses and books for management from authors and companies who were very picky about their content.
"Transformation" between the different languages and cultures is in my opinion the more appropriate term compared to a "technical" translation. You will find it here.
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Titel des Artikels: Does "auto-translation" work?
Erstellungsdatum: 10/29/2009
Aktualisiert am: 10/29/2009
Sprache: English
Kategorie: Translation
TranslatorPub.Com Rang: 120
Views: 3985
Kommentare: 0
Bewertungen: 0, Bewerten Sie: 0 (10 Max)
There are several software packages out there that automatically translate content. The problem is that I have not found anything that really works.
I have tested a few with a simple English sentence and the results are always funny - but that is it.
Given the wide range of subjects in any language combined with the wide range of individual language use by the author it is practically impossible to get a senseful automatic translation.
And on top of that a good translation has to include a good part of "transformation" between languages and cultures.