Titel des Artikels: Translation Services – A Communication Bridge | Erstellungsdatum: 01/11/2011 | Aktualisiert am: 01/11/2011 | Sprache: English | Kategorie: Translation | TranslatorPub.Com Rang: 147 | Views: 4013 | Kommentare: 0 | Bewertungen: 0, Bewerten Sie: 0 (10 Max)
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Translation Services – A Communication Bridge
For a giant association or company, especially operating worldwide, it is inevitable to remove the language barrier.
To work with people in different countries, it is essential that instead of our language one must use their language for effective communication. This is the point where, need for translation services arise. A translation service is the service which converts your content from one language to another. Using poor translation service often results in destroying translation quality and sometimes (in worst cases) it end ups in conveying wrong message to the final user. Obviously one must hire professional translation services like OLS to ensure that consistency, quality, and original style of document remains intact.
Two types of translation is very common now a days
1. Machine Translation 2. Human Translation
Machine Translation
It is often known as computer-assisted translation or software translation. Machine translation is not accurate and can’t fulfill professional translation needs. If machine translation is used by professional translator, it might be useful for him as he can correct the mistakes and save time while translating documents using existing database. But if someone who don’t know anything about translations or knows but not duly qualified; uses software translation it is really dangerous (if he use it for professional purposes).
Among professional translation software, the most popular and widely used software are Trados and Word Fast.
If you are an ordinary user, and want to translate something just for the sake of enjoyment you can use one of many free translation tools available in market.
Professional Translation
Professional translations are carried out by qualified translators and this service is widely used by companies and industries which are already working globally or those which are striving to reach global markets.
An internet based research on markets proved that users are likely to buy from websites, online stores and even traditional shops which are offering products in their own native language. If your target audience consists of different cultures, and speaking languages then professional Translation is not choice, it is necessity. To communicate effectively, and to achieve the goals successfully in target markets, translation is an integral part.
Translated versions of manuals, brochures, websites, advertisements, training modules and presentations are more effective than the one in non-native language.
About Author: Muawiyah Haider is an expert article writer, works for professional translation service agency OLS. For more information about translation services visit: http://english2urdutranslations.com.