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Titel des Artikels: How to Get a Scholarship for Study in the US
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How To Get a Scholarship to Study in the U.S.

The United States is widely recognized as one of the most important educational centers in the world. Each year, U.S. Universities top major international ratings and admit millions of foreign students. However, most Russians that want to study in America can't afford it because it is usually very expensive.

The cost of study in American univeristies varies in small community colleges and big national univerisities with international reputation. A year of study in community college will cost you about $2000, while tuition in a big university begins with $10,000. In general, public universities are cheaper than small liberal arts colleges and private universities. The most prestigious national univerisities of "Ivy League" (Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia) can charge tuition fees in amount of $ 30,000-40,000 for academic year.
However, the most advanced students can study in America for much less money, or even for free. The U.S. Is one of the world's leaders in educational exchanges. The U.S. Government, various private foundations and universities offer numerous scholarships for the most talented students from around the world. Most scholarships fund students at master's and doctorate levels, but some of them are open for undergraduates or even for high school students.
One of the most prestigious U.S. scholarships for international students is Fulbright Graduate Student Scholarship. It is named after retired U.S. Senator William Fulbright who introduced Fulbright Exchange Act in 1947. Fulbright scholarship gives elegible candidates the opportunity to study for master's degree at an American university of their choice. The scholarship is offered in various humanitarian and social sciences (e.g., American Studies, Linguistics, Journalism, among many others). The applicants must hold a bachelor's diploma or equivalent (like Russian specialist's degree) or be in the last year of their studies at the university, be proficient in English (as certified by TOEFL or IELTS language diplomas) and eligible for U.S. J1 visa. The applicant doesn't have to take language exams in advance. When he or she has been admitted to the program, the Fulbright commission will pay for examinations. The competition for 2010-2011 academic year begins in May 2009.
Muskey Graduate Fellowship Program is another chance for eligible Russian students to go to the U.S. The aim of the scholarship is to give the candidates from ex-SU countries the opportunity to study in the United States and to complete the diploma project which is important for their community. Muskey funds two-year graduate courses at the U.S. University (chosen by program officials) and the internship at a U.S. company to follow. The competition is open for students of Economics, Management, Law, Public Policy and Administration, and related fields. Unfortunately, students of Journalism and Mass Communiaction can't take part in the Muskey program this year. Again, the applicants don't have to worry about their TOEFL scores because they will have to report them only if they are admitted to the program. Unlike the Fulbright, Muskey program is open only for graduates. Current students cannot participate in the competition. The deadline for 2009-2010 academic yaer ends October 30,2008 (all documents must be received until 5 p.m of this date, not by postmark).
Russian students and professionals should also consider Ford Fellowship Program. It is administered by Ford Foundation and gives the opportunity for students from developing countries of Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe to take a course of study in every country in the world, including Russia and the U.S. The Ford Fellowship Program doesn't have age limits, the applicants must only hold their first degree. The prerequisite for applying is a minimum 1 year of work experience.The preference will be given to students from minority groups and refugees. Because the Ford Fellowship Program has an international character, not only candidates for study in the U.S. can apply for it. In fact, every Russian student who wants to study in every country in the world can be funded by Ford Foundation. The application must be filled and the interview will be held in Russian language only.
Other programs that are worth to mention include UGRAD for undergraduates, which gives the students of 1-3 years of study a chance to spend one year at a U.S. univeristy, and FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange Programs) that is open for high school students who want to spend a year in the U.S. The competition is currently on the way.
In conclusion I want to say that scholarship opportunities are not limited to the ones stated above. Many U.S. Univeristies and foundation offer various scholarships, fellowships and grants for international students. The term "scholarship" usually means tuition waiver (ranging from little sum of money to full course of study at a U.S. Univerisity), while "fellowship" also provides a stipend to cover living costs. Grants are usually given to the groups of scientists to fulfil a special research project. Besides, the students who have been already admitted to U.S. univerities, can receive teaching or research assistanships. They will help the professor in teaching or making research and receive partial tuition waiver. Financial disdavantaged students (ca. 100 per cent of all Russian students) can also apply for so-called "need-based" scholarships, which are based on need for financial aid. The detailed information can be found on websites of various foundations and universities.

Useful links:

1.http://www.fulbright.ru/ The website of the Fulbright Graduate Student Program in Russia (in Russian and English)
2.http://www.irex.ru/ Muskey, UGRAD and FLEX programs
3.http://www.ifp.ru/ Ford Fellowship Program in Russia
4.http://www.studyinamerica.ru/ The website about opportunities of study in the United States, the database of U.S. Universities (in Russian)

Victor Trofimov
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nice - definetly worth reading. Any continue planned?
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