Titel des Artikels: Trendy colors | Erstellungsdatum: 05/15/2013 | Aktualisiert am: 05/15/2013 | Sprache: English | Kategorie: Other | TranslatorPub.Com Rang: 189 | Views: 3139 | Kommentare: 0 | Bewertungen: 0, Bewerten Sie: 0 (10 Max)
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I saw an interesting debate, which argued about why do most people in countries of Eastern Europe tend to wear clothes of a darker shade, if not pitch black. The psychologist asked said that people, who do wear blue, brown, grey or suchlike colors of their clothes tend to be introverted, anti-social, and mostly traditional in their way of thinking and behaving. These people do not want to stand out of the larger mass in any way, and they are basically more sad than happy. Vividly colored clothes are neglected even by the younger generation, which indicates towards concluding that young people are more disoriented and afraid of daily challenges and of their future in general, than we would have thought. So far so good, I thought to myself, but what about Africans, who are well known about the rainbow-colors they`re wearing? Isn`t Africa way in disadvantage as to the general well being and cultural development? Why does, say a well situated European lawyer wear black all the time, while an African is colored like a parrot? Maybe we, Europeans are more aware of the backdrops of modern culture, the soulless interconnection of internet surfers, than are Africans, most of whom have never seen a laptop in their lives.