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Genero: Femenino
I´ve worked in projects in Brazil (where I´m from), Argentina, USA, France and Spain in Social and Marketing Research and most recently in cultural projects translating and revising texts (Portuguese-English, English- Portuguese, Spanish-English, English-Spanish French-English and French-Spanish) for the movie and design industry. I´m currently living in Barcelona.
Titulo de articulo: LogCam
Fecha de creacion: 11/11/2008
Ultima actualizacion: 11/11/2008
Idioma: Brazilian Portuguese
Categoria: Translation
Rango de TranslatorPub.Com: 57
Vistas: 3792
Comentarios: 0
Valoracion: 0, Puntaje promedio: 0 (10 Max)
Project Logcam http://www.influenza.etc.br
Concept Logcam is a proposal aimed at exploring the capacity for exchange between languages and supports. The advent of the digital media has become central to the discussion relating to the two means and their possibilities, since this concept can be used as a channel for the exchange of different kinds of information (auditory, visual, verbal etc) and between individuals living in many parts of the world, who are nevertheless aware of its potential use in controlling these same individuals..
With this in mind the aim of the present work is to include media support as an integral rather than a simple backup or channel. This renews the idea that “the medium is the message,” enabling the latter to escape the codified restrictions which languages place on each medium as unchanging or simply reiterative.
Methodology In Logcam the media supports will not be used in isolation, but by interchanging functions. The project will initially make use of multiple webcams, both as a means of capturing images in physical space, and like sensors of movement ( often used in security systems).
The aim is to expand the means in which the various media may be used, for example: physical space as an interface for interaction and webcam as a sensor for capturing images of a non-referential nature and graphic results which do not operate on the level of “author/spectator”, but rather as a dynamic spatial reading. The degree to which the work is rendered more or less complex equally depends on the use made of it by the message receptor.
In the present proposal, webcams were used as movement sensors and as means of capturing on images which had been subsequently worked, generating a result different from mere reproduction. This result is projected over a non- traditional expositional space such as external urban environments, rendering physical space a constitutive element of interfacing.