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Stefan Posted - 04/02/2008 : 11:17:38
Hallo, please let us know your thoughts about and your suggestions of improving it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your help to create a great platform for all of us.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stefan Posted - 03/16/2009 : 15:29:36
Hallo Stanislav,

just look at the prices TranslatorPub offers for example against other sites... You will see a great difference between this.

TranslatorPub is not interested to make any profit out of this, but to guarantee a good ongoing service.

As you can imagine is running a site like this costing quite a lot of money, therefore a minimum charge is applying.

I do hope you all understand this, as a lot of persons are working very hard to turn this to a great resource.
Stefan Posted - 02/11/2009 : 07:18:05
Hallo Lise,

I understand your concern, but is not putting blame against either site. Trust me, there are also outsourcers out there who are blaming translators for their quality. We are in no position to comment or give feedback to this information.

That is why our technicians are working on a different system - but also, it is a free choice that you can confirm with your client to use.

I believe this solution is much more convenient for all parties. We will soon update you about this system and I´m sure a lot of persons will like this.
Stefan Posted - 01/28/2009 : 17:01:28
Dear Nortranslate, by restricting a job post to full members, clients want to outreach to the members on this site directly or doesnt want to have their data in the web without security aspects.

To your question - offers Specials from time to time - e.g. currently an interesting special is just taking place.

Just keep visiting and keep watching out for specials.
Stefan Posted - 01/18/2009 : 11:40:27
Hallo Roy, thank you for your contribution and welcome to Many jobs are posted throughout and we can not guarantee that every job is only posted at

By joining as a full member, you certainly have a big advanatage by having full access to all features.

If you compare our prices against other portals, you will see that we are on the lower end of things. For us it is important to keep a good and high efficient service alive.
Stefan Posted - 11/24/2008 : 20:51:48
Hallo all, TranslatorPub has done some big changes in the last week and we try to have more basic jobs coming to our sites. Due to the new transparency in job posts, you can see if the jobs are for basic members or full members.

We are always open for more criticsm, as this is the only way to improve our service(s) and So please keep on letting us know your thoughts on and what else needs to be improved. Many thanks!
David_Petersen Posted - 11/24/2008 : 13:08:52
Hi - I agree with Leitmotif. So far, all the site has done is send me notifications for jobs that I cannot view without being a member. And when I search for jobs, I find the same thing - "full membership required". If I can't even view the jobs, how am I supposed to decide if they are worth the price of a membership? I would rather cancel my registration now and not waste any more of my time.

enzalo Posted - 11/04/2008 : 07:30:47
P.S. Have any jobs actually been posted for non-paying members?

enzalo Posted - 11/04/2008 : 06:37:56

I've recently joined the Pub as a basic member, at least for now. I receive quite a few job notifications per day in my language pair and virtually every single one so far has been for paying members only. I do find it a bit odd as other translator sites of which I'm a paying and non-paying member do post jobs for basic members as well. Just an observation

Urban_Huang Posted - 11/04/2008 : 05:50:48
To Sofijana:

There is an email address in that post, which revealed their identity as And obviously, at least to me, they are not looking for a one case translator but some reserves of linguistic capabilities. The 'immediate' is there, simply means they want translating persons off hand. Business always changes, they perchance have a client right now, under negotiation, the deadline can only be made after the exact translating capacity is counted.

As to the 'Telecommuting', it means you can apply this job no matter where you are, and communicate with them on-line, it's not a field description, but location.

It's merely my humble assumption :>

Urban_Huang Posted - 11/04/2008 : 03:30:22
I suppose a feature to evaluate both provider and seeker shall be of some merits, after each deal is done.


Stefan Posted - 10/27/2008 : 08:30:20
Hi Sofijana,

thanks for your clarification. But it seems you have overseen the information.
1. There is a passage about this company in the first phrases telling more about them and unrevealing their company name.
2. They are looking for partners to handle bigger amounts and clearly ask how much can be handled.
3. Field: Telecommunication. They specified: "Operations & Maintenance Manual"
4. As said before, are they looking for partners and ask for capacities.

I believe it is good to be careful, but if you have questions, just contact them and discuss with them directly.

I hope I could lighten a little bit the shadow :)
Sofijana Posted - 10/27/2008 : 06:59:40
'Cause it looks like a "bait" - some essential things are missing:
1. Name of agency - I'm not clairvoyant - I have no idea who might be posting a job - some respectful agency, potentially a long term client, or one-time private person/client
2. Job volume (for a small volume, it makes no sense to pay for a membership)
3. Field - Telecommuting - tells something, but not much.
4. Deadline - none - if you're serious, and posting a job as "Immediate", you must have some deadline or expected daily volume.

All in all, the only relevant thing to a job poster was "Full membership".

After 17+ years in this job, I learned to be careful with such job posts.

Stefan Posted - 10/27/2008 : 06:34:08
Hi Sofijana,
why is this job post suspicious in your mind? I have just visited the link and couldnt find any problem with it. The company who is looking for freelancers is among the top25 language service providers world wide - according to recent statistics...

Please let me know what you mean.
Sofijana Posted - 10/27/2008 : 04:32:35
Jobs like this one seem very suspicious :(
There are several other popular web sites for translators where one can at least get the clue of the "job description" - and decide if full membership might be a good idea.
So far, I haven't been convinced that I need to become a member, particularly after having good experience as non-paying member at some sites, and some bad experiences - as a paying member.

thx84 Posted - 10/21/2008 : 04:44:06
I agree with all the basic members out there. I'm not always at my computer, so sometimes I check my mailbox from my cell phone. If there were a system to filter out the jobs that require full membership, I would not need to download new mails on my phone (and pay for it) for jobs for which I cannot apply anyway...






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