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 How did TranslatorPub affect your business?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Stefan Posted - 04/02/2008 : 11:19:05
Hi - now we are here for quite some time and please share your positive experience with Thank you for letting us know if helped to increase your business.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MHA123 Posted - 01/05/2009 : 02:20:28
Hi Norida, applying to jobs can be pretty disappointing for some time. Many linguists apply for the same job and moreover - have several experience as you do.

I´m using a personalized email, pointing out my experience and showing them my rates. Maybe your rates are too low... I recognized when I first started, that many vendors dont want to have low-end linguists working for them, as they believe the qualtiy will suffer.

norida Posted - 12/26/2008 : 09:36:51
I am a new member too and so far, I am disappointed that I have not been able to secure even a simple job like translating birth certificates - which I have routinely done before. If no one is willing to try us, how can we ever gain experience? My application is usually a short email highlighting my capabilities accompanied by a brief 1-page resume stating pertinent information. As for my rates, I am positive they are on the low side. What else do I need to do>

Stefan Posted - 12/09/2008 : 03:10:06
Hallo AdamDave, sure - how do you apply?
adamdave07 Posted - 11/11/2008 : 12:52:24
I know I am brand new member, but I am very upset because I applied for many jobs and I did not get any chance to be a successful candidate.
I was very excited at the begining, but I am a little bite disappointed now.
Do you think I am wrongly applying for the jobs?
Can you please help to find a way to grab any opportunity to start my translation business, hint or tip?
Thank you very much

artaal Posted - 10/04/2008 : 12:17:22
Hi Stefan! Sorry that it took me a while, I've been busy

My application process? Usually, I get a notification from, I look at the job, open my email client, formulate an email stating my availability and rates (when asked to include those), attach my resumé and click 'send' Not too different from the others, I'd wager!

Stefan Posted - 09/24/2008 : 02:32:41
Hi Artaal, first of all welcome to Maybe we can help you with your application process if you let us know how you usually apply for jobs?
artaal Posted - 09/23/2008 : 09:27:11
As of yet, it's not affecting my business at all. Strange but true. I've responded to quite a few jobs thus far and I haven't gotten one. single. reply. Not even refusals. Is this normal? I'm fairly sure my email address works correctly ;-)
MHA123 Posted - 04/19/2008 : 02:47:01
Hi - as you all know by now, I´m quite new in the business and still very new at What I can say about TranslatorPub is only positive, it helped me find jobs and to create my own client lists in a short time.

Plus - I really appreciate all the help and the feedback for questions I have or had. Thousand thanks to you!!!

olya21 Posted - 04/03/2008 : 15:48:50
I'm very thankful for the opportunities that this marvelous site is offering.
I've got a job, due to the fact that this site is providing a meeting of 2 parties: Freelancers, translators like I am and Agencies like one of my Customers. It was easy, fun and very rewarding in many ways.
Pub's team is working extremely hard to make this place a highly enjoyable environment for talented business people.
Enjoy what you're doing and what you're best in. You have all chances to be successful. Make money. Be happy!
Bless you for all your kindness.
Thank you,


patrimenduinha Posted - 04/02/2008 : 11:50:53
Of course it increased my business. In fact, I have translated the Spanish version of the site, which was a very good experience. I thank pub's team for their hard work to make this place so much better and with so many increasing opportunities to find jobs. It is so much easier like this.

patrimenduinha Posted - 04/02/2008 : 11:49:05
Of course it increased my business. In fact, I have translated the Spanish version of the site, which was a very good experience. I thank pub's team for their hard work to make this place so much better and with so many increasing opportunities to find jobs. It is so much easier like this.






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