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 Search for translators neeeds improvement

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MicheleGile Posted - 06/10/2008 : 19:05:34
Guys, just as for the job search we need to have a source and traget search ability when searching for a translator.
Just the field or country is not enough.

Usually job postings or a job poster searches by source to target languages first and then for field of expertise; and then checks of other options such as country of residence etc.

Thus, this would help the agnecy find the translator and help the translator being found.

-> Hallo Michelle, we are currently in the process to set up this feature along with several other great new features in order to gain even more value for Pub. Stefan
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MHA123 Posted - 08/04/2008 : 04:54:22
Hey Stefan, sounds like a great idea. Why dont you set up a system like wiki and have the senior members explain the features and you just put it on the spot (where it belongs - maybe with a name of the person). I believe this would make fun and people might be interested - I´m the first volunteer to help you - as I believe this might be a lot of work and could be fun for us to build the site further ;-)

Just let me know your thoughts on this...btw, thx for the PM.

Stefan Posted - 08/03/2008 : 01:33:21
Hallo Acadavid,

we will set up a detailed FAQ about "How to post" jobs correctly and how other systems are working soon.

I hope this will make it more easy for our members to use the features of to its fullest extend.
Chet0012 Posted - 08/02/2008 : 14:41:15
Dear Acadavid,

This is a great mention - our job seekers are always working hard to make sure the site contains great jobs, but they do sometimes make mistakes. We apologize for this! We have brought this to their attention, and we will do our best to make sure our job seekers' posts are always done with the complete, necessary information.

Thank you for your feedback!

Very best,

- Chris K.

Working hard to take the lead in online language websites!
acadavid Posted - 08/02/2008 : 09:21:14
I'd also recommend adding an email field for job posters. For example, Job 5001 says something like, "send resume to email or telephone us" but it gives no contact information! Perhaps we they get zero replies they will notice that they left out the crucial information. Thanks.
Stefan Posted - 08/02/2008 : 03:35:05
-> Hallo Michelle, we are currently in the process to set up this feature along with several other great new features in order to gain even more value for Pub. Stefan






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