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Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2008 : 13:13:33
Hi guys,
as a moderator, I guess I am supposed to help. But well, we are all only human and now it's me who needs help  I am trying to start a new project and when converting the word document I want to translate I get this error message : "This microsoft document cannot be opened due to tracked changes that have not yet been accepted or rejected". The "show report" button is not active. I received the file along with a few other documents as a zip file. All the others seem to be fine and this one I did not even touch before. Any idea where the changes could have come from - or more important, what I have to do to get it converted? I hope there is somebody out there who can help me with that - thanks bunches!
Anke  |
248 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2008 : 01:46:52
Hi - it depends. Maybe you can send me your file and I´ll have a look into it? |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2008 : 06:15:41
Hey Stefan,
thanks a lot for the offer. I went googling my way through the internet and after trying out several things, I found the solution for my problem: I just had to uncheck the "track changes" option in the word document (tools/Extras, track changes/Änderungen nachverfolgen) and voilá, everything was fine 
Still, I noticed there can be quite a few causes for this problem so whenever the issue arises again, I am ready to face it (I hope).
Thanks again |
248 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2008 : 07:04:51
Hey Anke,
sounds good. Thx to Google ;-). So have a good working day :) |
New Member

71 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2009 : 19:36:36
Hi all, a late, but generally working solution (or rather two): 1. Save your DOC as RTF. Open the RTF and save it as DOC again. 2. Locate the Word_1_0_0_0.xml file (usually under "c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\SDL International\Filters) and open it in the Notepad. Find the tag "<NonAcceptedOrRejectedChangesHandling>" and change the value (either "Default" or "StopConversion") into "Ignore" (obviously without the quotation marks. Press CTRL+S to save the XML file. Your DOC should now open in TagEditor without any problems. BTW, there is an article on this issue in the SDL Knowledgebase ( I hope it helps.
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