
10 skills to improve your translation services

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10 skills to improve your translation services

Translators, interpreters, and people offering translation services, in general, know that replacing one word with another is not what translation involves. There is a list of skills needed to improve the services offered and to succeed as a translator, including the ability to create meaning in the target language and to understand wider contexts.

The best tip to improve skills is to read since reading is fundamental to know how to properly deal with words and widen our vocabulary. If you are looking to improve your translation services, be sure to keep reading and focus on developing these skills.

Have excellent sensory, motor and cognitive skills

Developing these skills is vital for translation services since it ensures that not only language but also all nuances and idioms are picked up on and relayed in a comprehensible way as fast as possible.

Excellent command on the native language

Translators need extensive knowledge of grammar and different writing styles first on their native language so they can deliver the right message without any distortion.

Excellent command on the second language

In order to be able to translate texts from a language to another, you need to understand the piece you are about to translate. Since translation is not about replacing words but about conveying a message, a translator needs an excellent command on the second language to present the right message.

Be culturally aware

There is no doubt that subject knowledge is important. However, translators must also be aware of the culture of the languages they are working with. For example, if a political reference is made, a translator should be ready to transform this into a comparable statement that the audience can easily understand.



Be an avid learner and researcher

Research is a very important part of the translation. It is a great way to widen your vocabulary and learn about new words, terminology, and even local concepts.

Specialist knowledge

Most translators choose to specialize at least in one field. This is a big advantage because it widens the projects you can work on and also the price you can charge. There are different specialties from biotech to law, medicine, IT, etc.

Computer skills

As a translator, you will need to improve your computer skills constantly since they are a very important tool. Working with translation memories and glossaries will help you increase your efficiency. Besides, more and more clients require translation done directly on their websites or in-house applications.

Time management

You will also need great time management skills so that you are able to deliver your translations on time. Learning to organize your working hours is a must.

Self-control and cope with stress in difficult situations

Truth be told, not everyone speaks with precision and clarity. Translators working directly with customers should be able to remain relaxed and develop a clear communication so that they understand what the client wants and how they want it.

Customer service skills

Especially if you are a freelance translator, you will work directly with the users or final clients. It is important that you are customer-oriented and develop skills to have clear communication about your customer’s needs.






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