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T O P I C    R E V I E W
laura1984 Posted - 03/12/2009 : 07:42:11
Hi all!I need some suggestions and I'm quite new in the freelancers' world, how much do you normally quote per word?
My language pairs ar English, French and Spanish>Italian...
Do you think 0.05 as minimum rate is ok?
I always worked for private clients and we arranged the price depending on the topic, the lenghth...
Tnx all for your replies!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stanislav_Pokorny Posted - 03/12/2009 : 12:47:52
Yes, that's definitely a good idea. But remember: it is always much more difficult to raise your rates than to drop them. ;)

laura1984 Posted - 03/12/2009 : 12:14:09
yes, thanks a lot...That's just for that I asked for general rates, and I always negotate price with the clients...cause i know agencies quote unbelievable prices...normally in Italy (I knew this from the experience of my former lecturers), rates are about 0.06 p/w as your rates...Asking 0.05 it's not for selling myself, but for trying starting out... ;)

Stanislav_Pokorny Posted - 03/12/2009 : 11:26:45
Hi Laura,
this is hard to tell, and I suggest that you browse the Italian web to find some freelancers and their rates. I personally charge €0.06 per word in English/German => Czech translations, but the situation is very different in every country. There is no universal rate.
But you might be interested in my opinion, i.e. a freelancer's and an outsourcer's opinion at the same time:
Don't distinguish prices according to topics. As an outsourcer, I want to know at what rates a freelancer works. Period. Either he/she can work with the topic, or he/she cannot. Another period. As an outsourcer, I try not to negotiate any discounts from my freelancers in the case of larger projects, but on the other hand, as a freelancer I don't submit to the pressure put on rates by agencies. Do you have a 150k words project? Okay, I can give you €0.055 instead of €0.06. Want less? Okay, go somewhere else. I ain't working for free.
I hope this helps.






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