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 UN Meeting in Geneva

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Stefan Posted - 04/20/2009 : 15:00:55
Hi all,

what is your opinion about the UN meeting currently taking place in Geneva regarding the influence of rasicm? What do you think about todays speech of irans president and the absence of several countries?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stefan Posted - 04/21/2009 : 10:52:57
Hi Stanislav,

sure - this is not revealing any linguistic aspects, but I believe politics are also important to translators ;-)

The middle east has a huge center of different cultures hence languages. I believe this is a great region and has a lot of chances. Unfortunately the political attitudes are bringing too much troubles to the population of this region.

But I`m happy to hear more from you.
Stanislav_Pokorny Posted - 04/21/2009 : 07:00:18
Hi Stefan,
I'm not sure whether this is a topic for a translation forum (unless linguistic aspects of a speech are discussed), but if you have already brought this topic up, I will add my part. But before that, everyone please note that I am not an expert on the Middle East, so take my opinion with a pinch of salt.
Well, IMHO, Ahmadinejad (if this is the correct English spelling of his name) is one of the most dangerous men in today's world. I do understand that the Middle East is fed up with the US policy of being the world's policeman (I am personally fed up with it too), but by calling Israel a racist country Ahmadinejad has probably gone a bit too far. In the history of the mankind (and "womankind" alike - so far for sexism, a lingustic aspect), no other nation has experienced so much xenophobia and tyranny than the Jews. Iran is asking for problems. And it is again ordinary people who are going to suffer, not their leaders.
I am pleased that the Karel Schwarzenberg, the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs, left the meeting during Ahmadinejad's speech. Ahmadinejad's opinions are too dangerous to be listened to, let alone to be heard.






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