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MHA123 Posted - 07/11/2008 : 04:34:14
Hi all, I wanted to know if there is any chance I could become a moderator on this site? I really enjoy being a member here and would like to support the site - thx for your reply.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stefan Posted - 04/07/2009 : 16:41:05
I´m glad you like this - so be patient for quite some time and I believe this will be worth waiting.
Stanislav_Pokorny Posted - 04/07/2009 : 16:40:07
Hi Stefan, that's really good news. I can't wait for the improvements you have announced. :)

Stefan Posted - 04/07/2009 : 16:17:24
Dear all, this forum will be exchanged in the next coming weeks with a new forum. Also please note, that their will be a rating system in place, both to rate companies and to rate translators.

We are working here with a rating company who will include both features towards the site.
Stanislav_Pokorny Posted - 04/07/2009 : 15:09:19
Hi Melikaf,
I have already announced to the site owners in a different thread that each and every forum user can do practically whatever he/she wants. Appartently, there are few or no restrictions, which I don't think is what the site owners want. But I couldn't do more than just making this announcement...

melikaf Posted - 04/07/2009 : 12:10:58
How come MHA123 can moderate one of my postings if he is not a moderator???
Stanislav_Pokorny Posted - 03/03/2009 : 20:52:45
Then why not remove such a post, Stefan? That's what being a moderator is about, isn't it? ;)


Stefan Posted - 07/23/2008 : 22:42:07
Hi Alex, I think I received it because I posted quite a lot here ;-)

Yes - unfortunately some linguist are using this to advertise themselves, which is not working, because clients expect some sort of meaningful article. By the way, translation samples can be posted on each of your profile pages.
Alex_H Posted - 07/23/2008 : 13:54:44
Hey Stefan, what does that yellow star under your name mean? Did you get it for being an exceptionally good Moderator? :P

p.s I agree with carolinesaari we need more activity on this website. Perhaps we should start writing more articles on the subject of linguistics and translation. Did anyone notice how the article section seems to be filling up with self advertising rather than articles themselves?
MHA123 Posted - 07/17/2008 : 12:08:45
Hallo Caroline, thanks for letting me know. Yeah - sometimes it is weird people are not actively participating on that great forum - I really enjoy talking to you and meeting new persons... so everyone - say hi and join the topics ... we won´t bite:-)

carolinesaari Posted - 07/17/2008 : 09:28:12
Life Stefan said, more moderators won't be needed until there's more activity on the website (in my very unofficial opinion... I check my pending approval requests about two or three times a day, and I'm always so excited to see something new waiting on me. (Does that make me weird? ;) ) I've noticed, though, that more people seem to be submitting glossaries and articles, most of which are really helpful and interesting.
MHA123 Posted - 07/16/2008 : 05:59:12
Yeah - good idea ;-)

Stefan Posted - 07/16/2008 : 03:47:36
Maybe my colleagues can let you know a little more about their experience being a moderator?
MHA123 Posted - 07/13/2008 : 22:59:17
Thx Stefan, that would be very kind of you.

Stefan Posted - 07/13/2008 : 22:50:13
Hallo MHA123,

thank you for your question and please accept my appology for not getting back to you earlier. First of all, thank you very much for your interest in becoming a moderator with

From time to time as the growth allows it, are we in need of recruiting more moderators in order to provide the best possible service to our TP Members.

Please have a look for anouncements throughout the site, where we are always posting the requirements.

If you want, I can also give you a shout as soon as I know more about it.






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