Article Title: English>Chinese | Date Created: 06/20/2008 | Date Updated: 06/20/2008 | Language: English | Category: Other | TranslatorPub.Com Rank: 23 | Views: 5060 | Comments: 0 | Ratings: 2, Average Rating: 3 (10 Max)
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• Main Intermodal Distribution Centre for Southern Europe: The region of Madrid is strategically located in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula, with daily direct rail connections with the main Ports, absorbing 60% of the international road traffic and 50% of the air traffic in Spain. Companies such as KOMATSU, LIEBHERR, TOYs´r US, LEGRAND ELECTRIC, ZARA (INDITEX), DECATHLON, VALEO, MICHELIN, NEW HOLLAND have chosen our region as their Iberian or South European distribution hub.
• Inter-modal Communications and Infrastructure: Madrid is creating the biggest Intermodal Platform of South Europe with 40 Hectares in order to absorbed the increasing demand of Sea traffics to our country (8%).
• Top Growing Logistics Market: According to Analytiqa, Logistics Outsourcing business in Spain will keep booming with 10% growth during next 5 years, duplicating European average growth.
• Logistic Companies in Madrid: Madrid is the region in Spain with the highest concentration of Logistic Companies such as CHINA SHIPPING, COSCO, GEODIS, DHL, KÜHNE NAGEL, SCHENKER, UPS and TNT generating 83,5% of the revenue in the Spanish logistics sector.
• Dynamic Workforce at Competitive Cost: In comparison to its neighbours from the European-15, labour costs in Madrid are 35% lower overall. Almost 20% of the job offers in Spain where from the logistics sector, being Madrid the leader with 43% of them.
Translation: • 欧洲南部主要多式联运配送中心:马德里地区是伊比利亚半岛中心地区的战略性地带,日用铁路连接主要港口,占西班牙国际货运的60%和空运的50%。以下这些公司已经把本地区作为他们伊比利亚地区或是欧洲南部的配送中心:KOMATSU, LIEBHERR, TOYs´r US, LEGRAND ELECTRIC, ZARA (INDITEX), DECATHLON, VALEO, MICHELIN, NEW HOLLAND。
• 多式联运交流体系:为了满足西班牙本国日益增长的海洋运输需求(8%),马德里正在建立欧洲南部最大的40万公顷的多式联运平台。
• 级速增长的物流市场:根究英国顾问研究公Analytiqa的市场调查, 西班牙物流业务外包企业五年间保持以10%的增长速度,是欧洲平均速度的2倍。
• 马德里物流公司:西班牙马德里地区是物流公司最大聚集区,以下CHINA SHIPPING, COSCO, GEODIS, DHL, KÜHNE NAGEL, SCHENKER, UPS 和 TNT这些公司占西班牙物流领域税收总数的83,5%。
• 低成本劳动力:马德里的劳动力成本和其他15欧盟邻国相比要低于35%。西班牙20%的就业机会来自于物流领域,而马德里地区占本领域的43%。