
Single or Multiple Clients: Which one should you choose?

Descripción: Summeropportunities

Single or Multiple Clients: Which one should you choose?

As a freelance translator, you have the possibility to organize your time and work routine the way it best adapts to your lifestyle, finding a great balance between work, family and leisure. Can’t get better than that, right? However, is fundamental to define how you will work and for who.

Let us explain this more deeply. First, you have to answer the fundamental question that defines your field of work: What kind of translation will you perform? Then, who will you work for: Multiple clients or a single client? As a freelancer is key to take into account all the sides when it comes to committing yourself to your clients’ projects.

When working in the TranslatorPub platform, you will access a pool of job offers published on a daily basis, offering multiple opportunities to use your translation skills and knowledge. Likewise, you will encounter with the responsibility to organize your time in order to be able to take on jobs and comply with the delivery deadlines and schedules of your successfully acquired projects. Then it comes to the consideration for having a single client to which dedicate all your time or multiple clients for which you will have to strategically divide your working hours.

Here we will mention some considerations regarding these two working strategies, leaving the final choice to you.

When you choose to work for multiple clients and take over different projects at once, the most important thing you will have to do is evaluate your resources and availability. How much time will you dedicate to each of your projects? Do you plan to establish a relationship with your clients? And will you specialize in an area or take on different kind of topic and styles? Excellent time management will allow you to take on challenging projects while having an organized schedule. Likewise, you will always be able to choose new unrelated projects and work on novelty without restraints. Answering these questions on your own will open the path for a strategic approach to freelance translation.

Now, on the other side, the conventional work model has you working for the same client. Which brings plenty of advantages to freelance translators as it allows to build a relationship with the client, getting to know their preferences and needs. In addition, working for a single client, you can focus your attention on understanding the different aspects of the project and dedicate more of your time and knowledge to the project. However, this type of work can become monotonous in the long term. Lucky you! with the opportunity to range from single to multiple clients as the translation industry proves to be a versatile space for both companies and translators.

When answering the question this blog stablished, the answer depends on how much you like the projects you will choose and what challenges you prefer to face. Always think about yourself first. Will your choice of client give you the retribution you need to satisfy your needs?







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