The English Language Day is a special occasion in which we celebrate this transcendental language. In 2010, the United Nations officially declared the 23rd April the day, selecting this date for it was the date of birth and death of William Shakespeare, considered the most important writer in English. Are you curious about this day? Here we have some interesting facts for you:
- Shakespeare had a great influence on the language
It is said that Shakespeare invented more than 1,700 words that are commonly used nowadays. This happened thanks to his interest in changing nouns and adjectives to create new ones, along with his passion for creating new ones for his playwright.
-April 23 is also Saint George’s Day
Saint George is considered the Patron Saint of England, the birthplace of the English language.
- English is the third most spoken language in the world
English is spoken in 188 countries around the globe. It enjoys official status in about 75 countries and there are over 378.2 million people who speak it as their first language. The total number of speakers (including English as a second or foreign language) is about 1.1 billion.
- The development of the language took over 1,400 years
It started from the Old English or the Anglo-Frisian dialects that a Germanic tribe known as Anglo-Saxon took to England during the 5th century. The first version of Modern English started in the 15th century, when the printing press was introduced to London. The language took some things from French during the 11th century and changes in pronunciation occurred from mid-13th century to approximately the 17th century.
Modern English later spread throughout the British Empire and the countries that were part of their colonies.
- English is the International Common Tongue
English is the most common foreign language, meaning either a Mexican or a German can use it to communicate. Therefore, being able to understand the language becomes relevant for sharing with people from different parts of the world.
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